Health related questions answered by our local doctors and healthcare professionals
What are some of the new treatments now available to companion animal veterinarians that you think are revolutionizing veterinary medicine for dogs and cats?
In recent years, veterinarians have gained access to groundbreaking therapies that have revolutionized care for dogs and cats. Among these advancements are monoclonal antibody therapies, which target specific issues like allergy-induced itching, Parvovirus, and arthritis pain in pets. While monoclonal antibody therapy has long been used in human medicine, it has only recently become available for pets in the United States. These treatments offer targeted relief providing significant improvements in the quality of life for our beloved animal companions. If your pet has any of these issues, be sure to ask your veterinarian about these novel treatment options.
Learn more: www.mobilepetvet.com | 410-544-8300
Lisa Beagan, DVM | Mobile Pet Vet
Why should you have a primary care provider?
Primary care providers, which include doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, offer a unique value that can greatly impact your health. One of the many reasons to consider having a primary care provider is to catch health issues early. This is accomplished through routine screenings, monitoring your health history and asking the right questions. Research shows that people who regularly visit a primary care provider go to the hospital and emergency room less than those who don’t have a primary care provider. To find a primary care provider at UM BWMC, visit umbwmc.org/primary.
Learn more: umbwmc.org/primary | 410-553-2900
Raveena Edwards, MD | University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Group – Primary Care
Should it matter who does my dental implant?
Yes, it’s especially critical if it’s a front tooth, you show a lot of gum in your smile, or it’s congenitally missing. Careful planning by an experienced, cosmetically trained dentist is required to achieve a realistic, natural result. Sometimes soft tissue grafting, bone grafting, or even orthodontics is required. Make sure your dentist works with a master ceramicist, perhaps certified by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentists.
Learn more: www.chesdentalarts.com | 410-401-8734
Dr. Meredith Esposito | Chesapeake Dental Arts
What is one thing you’d like all your patients to know?
Anti aging medicine is a multimodal approach. On average, patients come in anywhere from 2-4 times per year. So that’s roughly 360 days per year where your skin has no medical intervention. Oftentimes we’re focusing on wrinkle reducers, and neglecting skin care, volume loss, and sun damage. I love being able to make a comprehensive plan with a patient that addresses their concerns but also enables your skin to be as healthy as possible. Maintaining a youthful appearance is always a focus but there is no substitute for our health!
Learn more: www.promdhealth.com | 410-449-2060
Max Lenowitz, CRNP | ProMD Health
What treatment can help my anxiety, in addition to medications and psychotherapy?
Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) has been shown to dramatically reduce anxiety symptoms by 50%. SGB is an injection of local anesthetic around a nerve in the neck that controls the sympathetic nervous system—the “fight-or-flight” system—which can be inappropriately elevated in many people with anxiety. SGB is not new. This safe, simple injection has been used to treat pain since the 1920s and has been used increasingly to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recently, though, SGB was also discovered to provide significant relief of anxiety symptoms. SGB takes less than 15 minutes to perform, and benefits are seen in as little as 30 minutes.
Learn more: rosm.org | thestellateinstitute.com | 410 505-0530
James H. Lynch, MD, FACSM | Sports Medicine Physician | Regenerative Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
What tests can be done to look for cancer in healthy people?
Scientific studies show the major benefit of cancer screenings is early detection; they can detect cancer before it has started or when it’s early. Recommended screening tests include mammograms for women 40 and over; colonoscopies or Cologuard for everyone 45 and older; low dose chest CT scans for those with a 20-pack year smoking history, ages 50-80; regular pap smears in women; and testicular self-exams in young men. In individuals with a family history of breast or colon cancer, screening tests would start at a younger age. HPV vaccination is already saving lives. Insurers often cover screening tests. Get screened!
Learn more: marylandoncology.com | 410-897-6200
Dr. Jeanine Werner | Maryland Oncology Hematology
How has your industry changed over the years?
People are spending more time on their phones and tech devices. Not only does this harmful blue light accelerate aging, but the rise of video calls has made our patients seek us out to look their best on-screen without the need for the perfect lighting. The growing acceptance of aesthetic treatments has empowered both men and women to consider our services as an investment in themselves to Look and Feel better for longer.
Learn more: www.promdhealth.com | 410-449-2060
Dr. George Gavrila | ProMD Health
My child told me they are bullied at school, what should I do to help?
If your child tells you they are being bullied, the first thing you should do is listen carefully as they share their experience. Reassure them that you are going to support them and help them through this challenge. Once you know the details, reach out to your child’s school and make them aware of the situation. A teacher or school counselor may be able to discuss strategies to put a stop to the bullying. You should also consider seeking professional help for your child, as a specialist will be able to build your child’s self-confidence during their school years. At Luminis Health, we have several counselors that work with young adults to help them through bullying and other stressful situations.
Learn more: Luminis.Health/BehavioralHealth | 410-573-9000
Jesselina Curry, MD | Luminis Health
Can you share an industry secret?
Practice makes perfect. The best injectors are constantly improving their techniques with experience and refining their skills both in and out of the office. Did we mention that ProMD Health does 5 times the national average of cosmetic injections per provider?
Learn more: www.promdhealth.com | 410-449-2060
Tori Thursby, CRNP | ProMD Health
Do veneers always look fake?
When done by a skilled dentist and high quality dental lab, veneers can look incredibly natural and beautiful. The key is proper planning to keep the teeth proportional to the smile and face. We like to do a trial smile so our patients can approve of the look of the veneers beforehand and request changes if needed. The pink gingival “frame” is often overlooked but very important, and when correctly done gingiva tissue should remain healthy around the veneers. Our goal is to enhance the appearance of your natural smile while giving you the confidence to show it off more.
Learn more: harbordentalcenter.com | 410-650-8335
Meredith Todd, DDS | Harbor Dental Center