Anne Arundel County & Central Maryland
Last fall, we conducted our biennial Leading Lawyers Peer Review Survey, inviting all attorneys and judges who practice law throughout Anne Arundel County, Central Maryland, and the Eastern Shore to participate. We would like to thank the many area attorneys who took the time and effort to fill out the official ballot online.
A true peer review survey is a rarity today—most publications don’t take the time and energy to conduct the survey and balloting inhouse, which makes these results all the more meaningful. These are not “editors’ picks” or the result of limitless ballots from the general public. These honors only come directly from other attorneys and judges—people who really know what it takes to be a good lawyer right here in Maryland. We are especially gratified because we believe this biennial poll provides an invaluable service to our readers.
The following names, in 28 categories, represent the individuals who clearly received the most substantial amount of votes, not everyone who was nominated. No attorney paid to be on this list. Some categories list more names than others. This is as a result of the especially active voting in those categories. Congratulations to all Leading Lawyers named herein!—James Houck, Editorial Director
Administrative Law/Liquor Laws/Hearings
Brian D. Lyman
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
James C. Praley, III
Lessans Praley & McCormick, P.A.; 7419 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 410-760-5000; lessanspraleymccormick.com
Steven A. Brown
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Appelate Law
Cynthia E. Young
Cynthia E. Young, Esquire; 106 B Defense Highway; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-224-0407; marylandappeals.com
M. Evelyn Spurgin
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
N. Tucker Meneely
Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A.; 125 West Street, Fourth Floor; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-6600; councilbaradel.com
Philip C. Dales
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Ronald H. Jarashow
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Allen W. Cohen
Cohen & Greene, P.A.; 156 South Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-4500; cohengreene.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Jonathan P. Kagan
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Michael J. Marinello
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Bankruptcy Law
Carolyn G. Krohn
Nager Law Group; 2521 Riva Road, Ste. 3; Annapolis, MD 21401; 443-492-9003; nagerlaw.com
Daniel A. Staeven
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Steven L. Goldberg
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Business Law
Brendan Murphy
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Brian D. Lyman
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
James R. Walsh
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Jonathan E. Pasterick
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Jonathan P. Kagan
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Ryan M. Beard
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Sean P. Hatley
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Collaborative Law
Nancy Weller
Nancy Weller, LLC; 22 1/2 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3660; nancyweller.com
Construction Law
Brian D. Lyman
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
John P. Lynch
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Jonathan E. Pasterick
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Kevin M. Tracy
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Matt S. Evans, III
Evans Law; 113 Cathedral Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-431-2599; msevanslaw.com
Criminal Law
Crighton A. Chase
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
David P. Putzi
Fischer & Putzi, P.A.; 7310 Gov. Ritchie Highway, Ste. 300; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 410-787-1800; fischerputzilawfirm.com
Debra A. Saltz
Law Office s of Debra A. Saltz; 918 Chesapeake Avenue, Ste. 3R; Annapolis, MD 21403; 410-346-3577; debrasaltz.com
Jennifer M. Alexander
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Michael Ott
Murnane & O’Neill Attorneys at Law; 7425 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 410-761-6800; murnaneandoneill.com
Peter O’Neill
Murnane & O’Neill Attorneys at Law; 7425 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 410-761-6800; murnaneandoneill.com
Dispute Resolution
Frank C. Gray, Jr.
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.; 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Ste. 300; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-849-0074; jimenogray.com
Laura E. Burrows
Burrows Haviland Law; 168 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-960-6642; burrowshavilandlaw.com
Ronald M. Naditch
Ronald M. Naditch, P.A.; 49 Cornhill Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 443-926-9254; rmnaditch.com
Domestic Violence Law
Crighton A. Chase
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
J. Annie Myers
Cochran & Chhabra, LLC; 116 B Cathedral Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-5515; ccc-law.com
Michelle Smith
Trainor, Billman, Bennett & Milko, LLP; 116 Cathedral Street, Ste. E; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-280-1700; lawannapolis.com
Samuel J. Brown
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Sarah E. Brown
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Education Law
Frank P. Lozupone, III
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Elder Law
Gregory P. Jimeno
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.; 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Ste. 300; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-849-0074; jimenogray.com
Michael E. Lehr
Sims & Campbell Estates and Trusts; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 150; Annaplois, MD 21401; 410-881-0999; simscampbell.law
Tara K. Frame
Frame & Frame, LLC; 234 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-941-6656; frameandframelaw.com
Employment Law
Charles H. Henderson
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Jonathan P. Kagan
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Melissa M. McGuire
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Stephen B. Stern
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Steven A. Brown
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Susan S. Shapiro
Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A.; 125 West Street, Fourth Floor; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-6600; councilbaradel.com
Environmental Law
Anthony Kupersmith
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Philip C. Dales
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Family Law
Eric A. Haviland
Burrows Haviland Law; 168 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-960-6642; burrowshavilandlaw.com
Frank C. Gray, Jr.
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.; 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Ste. 300; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-849-0074; jimenogray.com
Joshua Tabor
The Law Office of Marla Zide, LLC; 7310 Ritchie Highway, Ste. 1001; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 443-557-4153; marlazidelaw.com
Lindsey K. Erdmann
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Marietta B. Warren
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Morgan E. Foster
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Samuel J. Brown
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Sarah E. Brown
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Thomas J. Fleckenstein
Law Office of Thomas J. Fleckenstein, PA; 100 Cathedral Street, Ste. 9; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-703-3704; tomfleckensteinlaw.com
General Practice
Christoper L. Beard
Christoper L. Beard, Attorney at Law; 170 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-0227; attorneybeard.com
James P. Nolan
Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A.; 125 West Street, Fourth Floor; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-6600; councilbaradel.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Jonathan E. Pasterick
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Samuel J. Brown
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
HOA/Condominium Law
Anthony Kupersmith
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Daniel J. Mellin
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Sara H. Arthur
Arthur Law Group, LLC; 2448 Holly Avenue, Ste. 303; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-7788; arthurlaw.net
Immigration Law
Gilda O. Karpouzian
Law Office of Gilda O. Karpouzian; 107 Ridgely Avenue, Ste. 9; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-280-8864; karpouzianlaw.com
Paola Vibriesca
Ninan & Vibriesca Law, LLC; 6411 Ivy Lane, Ste. 305; Greenbelt, MD 20770; 301-531-4161; nvimmigrationlaw.com
Intellectual Properties/Patent Law
Brian D. Lyman
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Juvenile Law
Carla M. Poole
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Crighton A. Chase
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
David P. Putzi
Fischer & Putzi, P.A.; 7310 Gov. Ritchie Highway, Ste. 300; Glen Burnie, MD 21061; 410-787-1800; fischerputzilawfirm.com
James E. Crossan
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Jeffrey P. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
John P. Lynch
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Jonathan P. Kagan
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Kevin M. Tracy
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Michael J. Marinello
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Strider L. Dickson
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Eric A. Haviland
Burrows Haviland Law; 168 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-960-6642; burrowshavilandlaw.com
Frank C. Gray, Jr.
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.; 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Ste. 300; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-849-0074; jimenogray.com
James Milko
Trainor, Billman, Bennett & Milko, LLP; 116 Cathedral Street, Ste. E; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-280-1700; lawannapolis.com
Ronald M. Naditch
Ronald M. Naditch, P.A.; 49 Cornhill Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 443-926-9254; rmnaditch.com
Medical Malpractice
Andrew T. Burnett
Potter Burnett Law, LLC; 16701 Melford Boulevard, Ste. 421; Bowie, MD 20715; 301-850-7000; potterburnettlaw.com
Deborah L. Potter
Potter Burnett Law, LLC; 16701 Melford Boulevard, Ste. 421; Bowie, MD 20715; 301-850-7000; potterburnettlaw.com
Jon Brassel
Hyatt & Weber, P.A.; 200 Westgate Circle, Ste. 500; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-0626; hwlaw.com
Kathleen H. Meredith
Iliff, Meredith, Wildberger & Brennan, P.C.; 8055 Ritchie Highway, #201-203; Pasadena, MD 21122; 410-685-1166; ilimer.com
Paul J. Weber
Hyatt & Weber, P.A.; 200 Westgate Circle, Ste. 500; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-0626; hwlaw.com
Military Law
Edward W. Brady
Brady Fischel & Daily, LLC; 721 Melvin Avenue; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-9054; bfdlegal.com
Michael J. Marinello
Kagan Stern Marinello & Beard LLC; 238 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-216-7900; kaganstern.com
Steven F. Wrobel
Law Office of Steven Wrobel, LLC; 107 Ridgely Avenue, Ste. 9; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-547-2417; stevenwrobel.com
Personal Injury Law
Adam G. Cohen
Cohen & Greene, P.A.; 156 South Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-4500; cohengreene.com
Allen W. Cohen
Cohen & Greene, P.A.; 156 South Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-4500; cohengreene.com
Andrew T. Burnett
Potter Burnett Law, LLC; 16701 Melford Boulevard, Ste. 421; Bowie, MD 20715; 301-850-7000; potterburnettlaw.com
Deborah L. Potter
Potter Burnett Law, LLC; 16701 Melford Boulevard, Ste. 421; Bowie, MD 20715; 301-850-7000; potterburnettlaw.com
M. Evelyn Spurgin
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Mandeep S. Chhabra
Cochran & Chhabra, LLC; 116 B Cathedral Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-268-5515; ccc-law.com
Michael G. Von Sas
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Rick Jaklitsch
The Jaklitsch Law Group; 14350 Old Marlboro Pike; Upper Marlboro, MD 20772; 866-986-6651; jaklitsch-law.com
Suzanne V. Burnett
Potter Burnett Law, LLC; 16701 Melford Boulevard, Ste. 421; Bowie, MD 20715; 301-850-7000; potterburnettlaw.com
Real Estate Law
Anthony Kupersmith
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Daniel J. Mellin
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
David A. Katz
Katz Day, LLC; 2077 Somerville Road, Ste. 206; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-5100; katzday.com
Gary Damico
Evans Law; 113 Cathedral Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-431-2599; msevanslaw.com
James R. Walsh
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Jonathan E. Pasterick
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Mark K. Schweitzer
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Matt S. Evans, III
Evans Law; 113 Cathedral Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-431-2599; msevanslaw.com
Thomas W. Simmons
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Tax Law
Eli S. Noff
Frost Law; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; www.askfrost.com
Glen E. Frost
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Kaitlyn A. Loughner
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Rebecca Sheppard
Frost & Associates, LLC; 839 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-497-5947; districtofcolumbiataxattorney.com
Trusts, Estates, Wills & Probate Law
Brooke H. Bowman
Bowman Jarashow Law, LLC; 162 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-267-9545; bowmanjarashow.com
Danielle M. Cruttenden
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Elsa W. Smith
Law Offices of Elsa W. Smith, LLC; 1125 West Street, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-995-7719; elsawsmithlaw.com
Esther A. Streete
McNamee Hosea; 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 402; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9909; mhlawyers.com
Frank R. Campbell
Sims & Campbell Estates and Trusts; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 150; Annaplois, MD 21401; 410-881-0999; simscampbell.law
Gregory J. Ferra
Liff, Walsh & Simmons LLC; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 200; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-266-9500; liffwalsh.com
Gregory P. Jimeno
Jimeno & Gray, P.A.; 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Ste. 300; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-849-0074; jimenogray.com
Jonathan E. Pasterick
Hillman, Brown & Darrow, P.A.; 221 Duke of Gloucester Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-263-3131; hbdlaw.com
Michael E. Lehr
Sims & Campbell Estates and Trusts; 181 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 150; Annaplois, MD 21401; 410-881-0999; simscampbell.law
Tara K. Frame
Frame & Frame, LLC; 234 West Street; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-255-0373; frameandframelaw.com
Timothy J. Oursler
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 706 Giddings Avenue, Ste. 305; Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-934-3900; mdswlaw.com
Eastern Shore
Last fall, we conducted our biennial Leading Lawyers Peer Review Survey, inviting all attorneys and judges who practice law throughout the Eastern Shore, Anne Arundel County, and Central Maryland to participate. We would like to thank the many area attorneys who took the time and effort to fill out the official ballot online.
A true peer review survey is a rarity today—most publications don’t take the time and energy to conduct the survey and balloting inhouse, which makes these results all the more meaningful. These are not “editors’ picks” or the result of limitless ballots from the general public. These honors only come directly from other attorneys and judges—people who really know what it takes to be a good lawyer right here in Maryland. We are especially gratified because we believe this biennial poll provides an invaluable service to our readers.
The following names, in 24 categories, represent the individuals who clearly received the most substantial amount of votes, not everyone who was nominated. No attorney paid to be on this list. Some categories list more names than others. This is as a result of the especially active voting in those categories. Congratulations to all Leading Lawyers named herein!—James Houck, Editorial Director
Administrative Law/Liquor Laws/Hearings
Sharon M. VanEmburgh
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
William C. Chapman
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Appelate Law
Sharon M. VanEmburgh
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
William C. Chapman
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
David J. Baines
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Bankruptcy Law
Andrea Ross
The Law Office of Andrea Ross; 129 N. West Street, Ste. 1; Easton, MD 21601; 800-758-9265; andierosslaw.com
Cami Russack
RLC PA Lawyers & Consultants; 8737 Brooks Drive, Ste. 107; Easton, MD 21601; 410-505-4150; russacklaw.com
George R. Roles
G. Roles, Attorney & Counselor at Law; 324 Pennsylvania Avenue; Centreville, MD 21617; 443-262-8501; groleslaw.com
Tate Russack
RLC PA Lawyers & Consultants; 8737 Brooks Drive, Ste. 107; Easton, MD 21601; 410-505-4150; russacklaw.com
Business Law
Adam M. Lynn
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Douglas S. Walker
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Elysha M. Carouge Ward
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
John M. Eglseder
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Construction Law
Brendan S. Mullaney
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
David J. Baines
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Justin B. Aronson
Coon & Cole, LLC; 110 N. Washington Street, 3rd Floor; Easton, MD 21601; 410-244-8800; cooncolelaw.com
Richard A. DeTar
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Ryan D. Showalter
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Criminal Law
Jesse F. Hicks
Shipley Law Firm; 10 W. Dover Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-7660; shipleyfirm.com
Justin M. Hoyt
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Patrick J. Palmer
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Stephanie A. Shipely
Shipley Law Firm; 10 W. Dover Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-7660; shipleyfirm.com
Dispute Resolution
Patrick J. Palmer
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Domestic Violence Law
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
David J. Baines
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Justin M. Hoyt
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Patrick J. Palmer
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
William C. Chapman
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Education Law
William W. McAllister, Jr.
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Elder Law
Ann K. Goodman
Parker Counts; 129 N. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1122; parkercountslaw.com
John M. Eglseder
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Tara K. Frame
Frame & Frame, LLC; 721 Main Street; Stevensville, MD 21666; 410-941-6656; frameandframelaw.com
Employment Law
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
David J. Baines
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Sharon M. VanEmburgh
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Environmental Law
Jesse Hammock
Parker Counts; 129 N. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1122; parkercountslaw.com
Ryan D. Showalter
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Family Law
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Janine Evans Wolford
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Justin B. Aronson
Coon & Cole, LLC; 110 N. Washington Street, 3rd Floor; Easton, MD 21601; 410-244-8800; cooncolelaw.com
Justin M. Hoyt
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Morgan E. Foster
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Patrick J. Palmer
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Peter Cotter
Parker Counts; 129 N. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1122; parkercountslaw.com
William C. Chapman
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
General Practice
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Douglas S. Walker
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
John M. Eglseder
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
William W. McAllister, Jr.
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
HOA/Condominium Law
Demetrios G. Kaouris
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Ryan D. Showalter
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Juvenile Law
Jesse F. Hicks
Shipley Law Firm; 10 W. Dover Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-7660; shipleyfirm.com
Demetrios G. Kaouris
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Jesse Hammock
Parker Counts; 129 N. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1122; parkercountslaw.com
Justin B. Aronson
Coon & Cole, LLC; 110 N. Washington Street, 3rd Floor; Easton, MD 21601; 410-244-8800; cooncolelaw.com
Justin M. Hoyt
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Richard A. DeTar
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Patrick J. Palmer
Stevens Palmer, LLC; 114 W. Water Street; Centreville, MD 21617; 410-758-4600; spp-law.com
Medical Malpractice
Curtis H. Booth
Booth, Cropper & Marriner, P.C.; 130 N. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-2929; bbcmlaw.com
Personal Injury Law
David J. Baines
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Real Estate Law
Adam M. Lynn
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Douglas S. Walker
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
John M. Eglseder
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Ryan D. Showalter
McAllister, DeTar, Showalter & Walker LLC; 100 N. West Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-820-0222; mdswlaw.com
Sharon M. VanEmburgh
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Tax Law
Glen E. Frost
Kram, McCarthy, Ayers & Frost, LLC; 1704 Main Street; Chester, MD 21619; 410-643-4477; krammccarthy.com
Trusts, Estates, Wills & Probate Law
Alexis E. Kramer
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
John M. Eglseder
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Sharon M. VanEmburgh
Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kaludis, P.A.; 16 S. Washington Street; Easton, MD 21601; 410-822-1988; ewingdietz.com
Tara K. Frame
Frame & Frame, LLC; 721 Main Street; Stevensville, MD 21666; 410-255-0373; frameandframelaw.com