The Best of Annapolis Food & Dining winners are here, as voted by our readership. This is an important designation. You chose the winners on the following pages; nobody paid to be included on this list.
So, thank you to our loyal readership that took the time to vote for the tops in town when it comes to restaurants and fave dishes. Last fall we called upon you to write-in your recommendations in many categories. After carefully vetting ballots for any duplicates or multiples originating from one source (no ballot stuffing allowed), we arrived at the resulting winners.
Editor’s Note: As we go to press on this issue and list of winners, we acknowledge that the COVID-19 situation has affected business operations. The good news is that many restaurants and vendors on this list are still offering delivery, curbside, and takeout menus; and many of the best items on this list are available to purchase. Please support these local businesses as they—like us—navigate, adjust, and creatively survive the COVID-19 situation. Thank you!
And the winners are…listed alphabetically by category
American Food Latitude 38 12 Dock Street, Annapolis 667-204-2282 latitude38waterfront.com Appetizers Cooper’s Hawk 1906 Towne Centre Boulevard, Annapolis 443-837-9989 chwinery.com Bakery/Dessert Main & Market 914 Bay Ridge Road, Annapolis 410-626-0388 mainandmarket.com Barbeque Mission BBQ 2101 Somerville Road, Annapolis 443-569-4700 Also located in Downtown Annapolis mission-bbq.com Beer Selection The Brass Tap 2002 Annapolis Mall Road, Annapolis 833-901-BEER thebrasstap.com Breakfast Iron Rooster 12 Market Space, Annapolis 410-990-1600 ironroosterallday.com Brew Pub Rams Head Tavern 33 West Street, Annapolis 410-268-4545 ramsheadtavern.com Burger Five Guys 1046 Annapolis Mall Road, Annapolis 410-573-0581 fiveguys.com Candy Shop Kilwans 128 Main Street, Annapolis 410-263-2601 kilwans.com Caterer The Bell House Catering 1825 George Avenue, Annapolis 443-995-2694 thebellhousecatering.com Chain Pizza Ledo Pizza Locations in Annapolis, Edgewater, Severna Park, and more ledopizza.com Chef Jim Holderbaum of Range & Reef 240-476-7291 rangeandreef.com Chinese Restaurant Jack’s Fortune 960 Bay Ridge Road, Annapolis 410-267-7731 jackfortune1.com Cocktails Level 69 West Street, Annapolis 410-268-0003 levelannapolis.com Crabcake/Family Friendly Restaurant Boatyard Bar & Grill 400 Fourth Street, Annapolis 410-216-6206 boatyardbarandgrill.com Cream of Crab Soup/Outdoor Dining Carrol’s Creek Café 410 Severn Avenue, Annapolis 410-263-8102 carrolscreek.com Cupcakes Blue Crab Cupcakes 1580 Whitehall Road, Annapolis 443-221-7246 bluecrabcupcakes.com Deli Giolitti Fine Italian Market 2068 Somerville Road, Annapolis 410-266-8600 giolittideli.com Farm-to-Table Menu Preserve 164 Main Street, Annapolis 443-598-6920 preserve-eats.com French Restaurant Café Normandie 185 Main Street, Annapolis 410-263-3382 cafenormandie.com German Restaurant Old Stein Inn 1143 Central Avenue, Edgewater 410-798-6807 oldstein-inn.com Gluten-Free RASA Juice Shop 90 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis 410-570-4597 rasajuiceshop.com Greek Food Paul’s Homewood Café 919 West Street, Annapolis 410-267-7891 paulscafe-annapolis.com Happy Hour Broadneck Grill and Cantina 1364 Cape Saint Claire Road, Annapolis 410-757-0002 Also located in Edgewater broadneckgrill.com Ice Cream Annapolis Ice Cream Company 196 Main Street, Annapolis 443-714-8674 annapolisicecream.com Indian Restaurant Basmati Indian Cuisine 2444 Solomons Island Road, Annapolis 410-266-6355 basmatiofannapolis.com Irish Restaurant Galway Bay 63 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis 410-263-8333 galwaybaymd.com Italian Restaurant Osteria 177 177 Main Street, Annapolis 410-267-7700 osteria177.com Japanese Restaurant Joss Café and Sushi Bar 195 Main Street, Annapolis 410-263-4688 josssushi.com Local Coffee Shop Rise Up Coffee 2042 Somerville Road, Annapolis 443-926-1226 Also located in Edgewater riseupcoffee.com Local Pizza Rocco’s Pizzeria 954 Bay Ridge Road, Annapolis 410-263-9444 roccospizzashop.com Maryland Crab Soup The Point Crab House & Grill 700 Mill Creek Road, Arnold 410-544-5448 thepointcrabhouse.com Mexican Restaurant Sin Fronteras Café 2129 Forest Drive, Annapolis 410-266-0013 sinfronterascafe.com New Restaurant Jesse Jay’s Latin Inspired Kitchen 5471 Muddy Creek Road, Churchton 443-713-0348 jessejays.com Place to Take Out of Towners Cantler’s Riverside Inn 458 Forest Beach Road, Annapolis 410-757-1311 cantlers.com Raw Bar/Oysters McGarvey’s Saloon & Oyster Bar 8 Market Space, Annapolis 410-263-5700 mcgarveysannapolis.com Restaurant Décor Sailor Oyster Bar 196 West Street, Annapolis 410-571-5449 sailoroysterbar.com Romantic Restaurant Lewnes’ Steak House 401 Fourth Street, Annapolis 410-263-1617 lewnessteakhouse.com Scratch Kitchen Eastport Kitchen 923 Chesapeake Avenue, Annapolis 410-990-0000 eastportkitchen.com Seafood Restaurant O’Learys Seafood Restaurant 310 Third Street, Annapolis 410-263-0884 olearysseafood.com Small Plates Grapes Wine Bar of Annapolis 1410 Forest Drive, Annapolis 410-571-5378 grapeswinebarannapolis.com Spanish Food Jalapeños Restaurant 85 Forest Drive, Annapolis 410-266-7580 jalapenosonline.com Sports Bar Heroes Pub 1 Riverview Avenue, Annapolis 410-573-1996 heroespub.com Steakhouse Ruth’s Chris Steak House 301 Severn Avenue, Annapolis 410-990-0033 ruthschris.com Steamed Crabs Mike’s Crab House 3030 Riva Road, Riva 410-956-2784 mikescrabhouse.com Sunday Brunch Miss Shirley’s Café 1 Park Place, Annapolis 410-268-5171 misshsirleys.com Sushi Yama Sushi Bar 2049 West Street, Ste. E, Annapolis 410-266-8878 yamasushiannapolis.com Take-Out Pasticcio Fresh Italian Kitchen 150 Jennifer Road, Ste. F, Annapolis 443-949-0608 pasticcioannapolis.com Thai Food Lemongrass 167 West Street, Annapolis 410-280-0086 lemongrassannapolis.com Trivia Night Middleton Tavern 2 Market Space, Annapolis 410-263-3323 middletontavern.com Vegetarian Flamant 17 Annapolis Street, Annapolis 410-267-0274 flamantmd.com Wait Staff Vin 909 Winecafé 909 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis 410-990-1846 vin909.com Waterfront Restaurant Chart House 300 Second Street, Annapolis 410-268-7166 chart-house.com Whiskey Selection Dry 85 193B Main Street, Annapolis 443-214-5171 dry85.com Wine Selection Carpaccio Tuscan Kitchen & Wine Bar 1 Park Place, Ste. 10, Annapolis 410-268-6569 carpacciotuscankitchen.com Wings O’Loughlin’s 1258 Bay Dale Drive, Arnold 410-349-0200 oloughlinspub.com