The Best of Annapolis and West County’s Medical, Dental, and Veterinary winners are here, as voted by our readership. This is an important designation. You chose the winners on the following pages; nobody paid to be included on this list.
So, thank you to our loyal readership that took the time to vote for the tops in town when it comes to health services. Last fall we called upon you to write-in your recommendations in many categories. After carefully vetting ballots for any duplicates or multiples originating from one source (no ballot stuffing allowed), we arrived at the resulting winners. Please enjoy perusing your list of who’s Best of Annapolis and West County and consider employing their services.
And the winners are… listed alphabetically by category
Acupuncturist mindfulhealing 2431 Crofton Lane, Ste. 11, Crofton 410-451-1625 mindfulhealing.biz Addictions Counseling Program Tranquility Woods 171-A Ryan Road, Pasadena 410-442-6638 tranquilitywoods.com Allergist Allergy and Asthma Associates, P.A. 277 Penisula Farm Road, Bldg. 3, Arnold 410-647-2600 annapollendocs.com Apothecary Cape Drugs 1384 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis 410-757-3522 capedrugs.com Birthing Center AAMG Bay Area Midwifery 2003 Medical Parkway, Ste. G50, Annapolis 443-227-5875 aamcwomenshealth.com/location/aamg-bay-area-midwifery Body Contouring/Medical Grade Skin Products/Plastic Surgery Reconstruction Sullivan Surgery & Spa 130 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Ste. 300, Annapolis 410-571-1280 sullivansurgery.com Breast Augmentation & Reconstruction/Laser Skin Treatment Sandel Duggal Center for Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa 104 Ridgley Avenue, Annapolis 410-266-7120 sandelduggal.com Cardiologist Chesapeake Cardiac Care 888 Bestage Road, Ste. 215, Annapolis 410-573-9805 ccardiac.com Child & Family Mental Health Providers/Psychiatrist CPE Clinic, LLC 130 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Ste. 103, Annapolis 410-979-2326 cpeclinic.com Chiropractor Practice/Dry Needling Elevate Life 1730 West Street, Ste. 105, Annapolis 410-268-3333 elevatelifeclinic.com Colon & Rectal Surgery Annapolis Colon & Rectal Surgeons 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 360, Annapolis 410-573-1699 annapoliscolon.com Cosmetic Injections/Dermal Fillers Center for Dermatology and Skin Care of Maryland 2200 Defense Highway, Ste. 201, Crofton 410-451-5500 dermofmd.com Dematologist Annapolis Dermatology Associates 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste.630, Annapolis 410-224-2260 annapolisdermatology.com Emergency Dentistry McCarl Dental Group 8601 Veterans Highway, Ste. 101, Millersville 443-698-8902 mccarldentalmillersville.com Emergency Pet Care/Veterinarian for Small/Exotic Pets Alexander Animal Hospital 160 Ritchie Highway, A9, Severna Park 410-777-8678 alexanderanimalhospital.com Family Dentistry Office/Hygienist Chesapeake Dental Arts 1509 Ritchie Highway, Arnold 410-757-6200 chesdentalarts.com Gastroenterologist Anne Arundel Gastroenterology Associates, P.A. 820 Bestgate Road, Annapolis 410-224-2116 aagastro.com General Cosmetic Dentist Scott Finlay DDS & Associates 1460 Ritchie Highway, Ste. 203, Arnold 410-989-7132 (new patients) annapolisdentistdds.com General Dentist Dr. Brian Valle, P.A. Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry 251 Najoles Road, Suite J, Millersville 410-987-9100 drbrianvalle.com General Surgery Vincent Sayan, MD, FACS General & Laparoscopic Surgery 134 Holiday Court, Ste. 300, Annapolis 410-224-4404 sayansurgical.com Gynecologist Office Chesapeake Women’s Care, P.A. 2000 Medical Parkway, Ste. 306, Annapolis 410-571-9700 chesapeakewomenscare.com Holistic Dentistry Annapolis Green Dental/Maryland Holistic Dentistry 2331 Forest Drive, Ste. E, Annapolis 4103246370 marylandholisticdentistry.com Hormone Therapy ProMD Health 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 302, Annapolis 443-333-4940 promdhealth.com Hospice Care Hospice of the Chesapeake 90 Ritchie Highway, Pasadena 410-987-2003 hospicechesapeake.org Implantologist/Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Oral Surgery Specialists 275 West Street, Ste. 100, Annapolis 410-268-7790 annapolisoss.com Invisalign Specialist Mairead M. O’Reilly, DDS, MS 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 301, Annapolis 410-266-0025 annapolisortho.com Laser Hair Removal/Facial Rejuvenation Skin Wellness MD 171 Defense Highway, Annapolis 410-224-2400 skinwellnessmd.com Mammography AAMC Rebecca Fortney Breast Center 2000 Medical Parkway, #200, Annapolis 443-481-5300 aahs.org/breast-center Mental Health Services Waypoint Wellness 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 203, Annapolis 410-684-3806 waypointwellnesscenter.com Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery Specialists 2448 Holly Avenue, Ste. 400, Annapolis 866-550-2135 plasticsurgeryspec.com Naturopathic Doctor Whole Health Integrative Medicine 3168 Braverton Street, Ste. 330, Edgewater 410-956-3090 wholehealthintegrativemedicine.com Neurologist Annapolis Neurology Associates 122 Defense Highway, Ste. 210, Annapolis 410-266-9694 annapolisneurology.com Occupational Therapy Annapolis Children’s Therapy Center 1911 Lincoln Drive, Annapolis 410-573-1064 annapolischildrenstherapy.com Oculoplastic Surgery Adoro Medical Spa 692A Ritchie Highway, Ste. 2B, Severna Park 443-569-7774 myeyelids.com Oncologist Annapolis Oncology & Hemotology 2003 Medical Parkway, Ste. 210, Annapolis 443-481-4884 myaamg.org/oncology-and-hematology Ophthalmologist Office/Cosmetic Laser Eye Treatment Chesapeake Eye Care and Laser Center 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 320, Annapolis 410-571-8733 chesapeakeeyecare.com Orthodontist Office for Adults Labbe Family Orthodontics 114 Forbes Street, Annapolis 443-333-8648 labbefamilyortho.com Orthodontist Office for Children Philbin & Reinheimer Orthodontics 802 Bestgate Road, Ste. B, Annapolis 410-263-5600 marylandbraces.com Orthopedic Hand Surgery Annapolis Hand Center, LLC 128 Lubrano Drive, Ste. 301, Annapolis 410-544-4263 annapolishandcenter.com Orthopedic Hip Surgery/Orthopedic Knee Surgery/Orthopedic Sports Medicine Office AAMG Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Specialists 2000 Medical Parkway, Ste. 101, Annapolis 410-268-8862 osmc.net Pain Management The Kahan Center for Pain Management 170 Jennifer Road, Ste. 240, Annapolis 410-571-9000 thekahancenter.com Pediatric Dentist Office The Pediatric Dental Specialists 16900 Science Drive, #115, Bowie 301-262-0242 thepediatricdentalspecialists.com Pediatrician Office Annapolis Pediatrics 200 Forbes Street, Ste. 200, Annapolis 410-263-6363 annapolispediatrics.com Periodontist Annapolis Periodontics 2448 Holly Avenue, Ste. 202, Annapolis 410-224-0500 annapolisperiodontics.net Pharmacy Arnold Professional Pharmacy 1460 Ritchie Highway, Ste. 103, Arnold 443-949-8373 professionalpharmacygroup.com Physical Therapy AAMG Physical Therapy Location in Annapolis, Crofton, Edgewater, Millersville, and more 443-481-1140 aamgphysicaltherapy.com Podiatrist Podiatry Group of Annapolis P.A. 139 Old Solomons Island Road, Ste. C, Annapolis 410-224-4448 podiatrygroup.us Primary Care Medicine Office Maryland Primary Care Physicians See website for locations 410-729-5100 mpcp.com Psychologist Therapy Practice Anchored Hope Therapy 170 Jennifer Road, Ste. 202, Annapolis 443-291-8090 anchoredhopetherapy.com Radiology Chesapeake Medical Imaging 122 Defense Highway, Ste. 102, Annapolis 410-571-0350 cmirad.net Rheumatologist Office Anne Arundel Rheumatology 1655 Crofton Boulevard, Ste. 101, Crofton 443-292-4872 annearundelrheumatology.org Rhinoplasty Annapolis Plastic Surgery 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 215, Annapolis 410-777-5321 annapolisplasticsurgery.com Sedation/Phobia Treatment Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 210, Annapolis 443-569-8764 smileannapolis.com Sleep Apnea/Snoring Treatment Annapolis Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center 1606 Forest Drive, Annapolis 410-571-5138 solvesleepapnea.com TMJ Treatment Center for Innovative Dentistry & Facial Aesthetics 133 Defense Highway, Ste. 103, Annapolis 410-266-3595 drrolanddental.com Total Mouth Reconstruction Albert Lee, DDS, MAGD, DICOI 1606 Forest Drive, Annapolis 410-989-8298 (new patients) myannapolisdentist.com Urgent Care Evolve Direct Primary Care 509 S. Cherry Grove Avenue, Ste. C, Annapolis 844-322-4222 evolvemedicalclinics.com Urology Office Anne Arundel Urology 600 Ridgely Avenue, Stes. 222 & 223, Annapolis 410-266-8049 aaurology.com Vascular Surgery Maryland Vein Professionals 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 300, Annapolis 877-303-8346 mdveinprofessionals.com Vein Restoration O’Donnell Vein & Laser 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 101, Annapolis 877-461-1564 odonnellveinandlaser.com Vet Clinic Greater Annapolis Veterinary Hospital 1901 Generals Highway, Annapolis 410-224-3800 gavh.com Veterinarian for Cats Mobile Pet Vet 410-544-8300 mobilepetvet.com Veterinarian for Dogs Healing Paws Veterinary Wellness Center 688 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park 410-777-5887 healingpawsmd.com Veterinarian for Large Animals (Farm) Davidsonville Veterinary Clinic 3725 Tanglewood Lane, Davidsonville 410-956-5733 davidsonvillevet.com Veterinarian Surgery Waugh Chapel Animal Hospital 2638 Brandermill Boulevard, Gambrills 410-451-3700 wcvets.com Women’s Imaging Bay Radiology 537 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Ste. B, Severna Park 410-544-3331 bay-radiology.com